Force windows to use 100% of available bandwidth

Force windows to use 100% of available bandwidth

Bandwidth is usually controlled by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Sometimes there are software elements that influence your internet connection speed. Once such factor is QoS (Quality of Service), for example Windows Update, streaming videos or audio, Voip applications, etc. – anything that makes use of the QoS Packet Scheduler.

The reservation is 20% in Windows Xp, Vista & 7 and it is 80% on windows 8 and latest versions. We have the option to disable this reserved bandwidth to get access to 100% of your bandwidth. However, please take note that the 20% reserved bandwidth is only used when QoS applications need it. By configuring its setting in the Group Policy, you can easily limit the reservable bandwidth.


1. Open Run or cmd window and type gpedit.msc and press enter on your keyboard.


2. Now Local Group Policy Editor will open and navigate to Computer Configuration -> Administrative -> Network -> Qos Packet Scheduler.

3. Double click on Limit Reservable bandwidth. It will say it is not configured, but the truth is under the ‘Explain’ tab. i.e.”By default, the Packet Scheduler limits the system to 80 percent of the bandwidth of a connection, but you can use this setting to override the default”. Click too ENABLE reservable bandwidth, then set it to 0 (ie. 0%).

4. Restart your PC to effect the changes



Using Windows regisrty:
1. Open Run or cmd window and type regedit in the search box and press Enter on your keyboard.

2. In Regedit click your way through HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows

3. Right click on the Windows map and select New and Key from the dropdown menu and name the new map Psched

4. Double-click on the new Psched map and right click in the empty white screen on the right

5. Select New and DWORD (32-bit) Value from the dropdown menu

6. Name the new Dword Value NonBestEffortLimit

7. Right-click on your new NonBestEffortLimit key and select Modify from the dropdown menu

8. In the Value Data field make sure the value is 0 so the reserved bandwidth percentage is set to 0%.

9. Click OK and restart your PC to make the changes

Super hiding files using command prompt

Super hidden files are not visible to users even if the visibility of hidden files are enabled. You can make a hidden system file using cmd and usually common people does not go for changing settings to enable visibility for system files. This method simply hides your files.


1. Open command prompt with elevated privileges (ie, right click on it and run as administrator) and type the below code

attrib +h +s

“h” is for hiding and “s” is for making it as system file.

2. Copy the file location and paste it in the command prompt.
Hint: Right click and take properties of the file. There you will get its location

Here location of the folder “photos” is D:\Documents\College


3. Now, copy the location right click and choose paste to paste it in the Command prompt.

You have to add \photos at the end of above location to point to original folder as below



4. Hit enter. Now your folder is super hided!

You can hide specific images, documents etc by this method. for that you should use its extension at the end like imagename.jpg

How to unhide?
Its simple. Just change “+” with “-” in the above code as shown below

attrib +h +s D:\Documents\College\photos

This method doesnot hide your folder completely. To view this superhidden files, untick the option “Hide protected operating system files” from folder options.

Copy SAM file in use without using any software

Hi, here I’m going to show how to copy SAM file and System file from live OS using command prompt.

The SAM (Security Accounts Manager) file in windows is such an important file in windows Operating System. As the name suggests it is concerned with the security in Windows Operating Systems. This file contains users password in encrypted hash (LM hash and NTLM hash) format. The SAM file is a partially encrypted file using a SYSKEY. It will be a great advantage if we using pin for logging (supports in windows 8 and 8.1) and forgot password. If we get a copy of these file, it is easy to crack using tools such as Cain or Saminside

The user passwords are stored in a hashed format in a registry hive either as a LM hash or as a NTLM hash. This file can be found in %SystemRoot%/system32/config/SAM and is mounted on HKLM/SAM. It is not possible to copy SAM from live OS simply using a copy instruction.


  • Open a command prompt (Admin privilege required)
  • Enter the following commands

    reg save hklm\sam c:\sam

    reg save hklm\system c:\system

  • Now you will find a copy of these files in your C drive